Friday, February 12, 2010

Gay Birthday Cake Did You Hear About That Poor Child And His Birthday Cake? Are The Gays Protesting This?

Did you hear about that poor child and his birthday cake? Are the gays protesting this? - gay birthday cake

And if not, why not? Poor Adolf Hitler had to go to another store because they are discriminated against him and did not write his name on his birthday cake. Not fair! What do you think?


NONAME said...


† gnosis † said...

Oh, I heard that!
What is wrong in many ways - so many directions.
There is so much that goes wrong, I would say it's really for children born to his guilt - if you so much **** it must run downhill!

Jesse and Al? I, Adolf t aware that he black, because I expect no different care - blacks are subhuman, arent they?

But I assume that the child should have equal rights - Speaking of that - what happens when this guy is one days to get married?

EDIT: There was no application of a swastika - and if by a Hindu one of those - it would be better if he refuse asked to remain outside of the court - ask the parents to say for the cake "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler

dontyalo... said...

Now that many companies have the right to refuse, to do not know why it is so important. (Correct me if wrong impression because I'm not sure if all matters concerning his fate, only one of them, as I said), would also appear that this man was to lead the institution had come back year after year and ordered a cake, ask for a swastika (sp?). And the child grows well when called Adolf Hitler Campbell. So you can ditch the second name, and can therefore her sister, whose name is the conviction that non-Aryans. Lol.

The Thumbs Down Mean Its Working said...

Sorry, I was very busy and have never heard of ... Do you have a link?

Found. Unfortunately, the First Amendment protects idiots like the rest of us. But the companies have every right to refuse. I do not know what was expected, as they called him so. Personally, I am pleased to make a life for the birthday cake of my own children with resignation: "If I was so mad.

Edit: I have another link ... they do not know that Wal-Mart would have no problem with that?

Andy G {Join The Resistance} said...

Well, it is the decision of the owner of a company does not provide the service, but in this case I have to say that just because someone has the name of a terrible man, should reconsider the company to question.

Leni Duchess of Beggars said...

They had every right to refuse. The swastika is compared to A.

Barrack Urkel said...

> What do you think?

I think the kids parents are idiots.

Perhaps the granting of a license to have children is, is not a bad idea.

ablex said...

What does this have to do with "too gay?

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